Strategic Plan

1. Nurture Christian values and the teachings of St. Ignatius.

  • Educate pupils to be competent, committed, compassionate, conscientious and creative.
  • Engage the educational community in our project.
  • Foster the educational community’s commitment to building a better world.

2. Encourage a willingness to change

  • Explore new methods and resources.
  • Foment teamwork.
  • Manage time in a suitable manner.
  • Adapt facilities to actual requirements.

3. Be open to the world.

  • Instil a sense of belonging to the school.
  • Introduce effective channels of communication with families, institutions, businesses and other social partners.
  • Extend our outlook beyond our frontiers.

4. Implement a management system that guarantees our sustainability.

  • Oversee the conditions required to maintain our direct-grant status.
  • Optimise our resources in facilities and installations.
  • Find sources of funding to supplement the grant.
  • Manage human resources in an appropriate manner.